I saw the speech at Grant Park. Actually, I saw the replay, I fell asleep before President-Elect Obama was declared the winner. I fell asleep because I was traveling early in order to not miss the declaration. Irony. i tried so hard to watch it to the end, but I was fearing that what had occurred in the past two presidential elections was on the horizon. An idiot candidate who had no business on the ticket trumping a qualified, caring individual who has only public service in his heart. Twice. We had our hearts ripped out two times by a backwater moron who couldn’t run a 7-11, let alone a country. Wait, not just a country, but the greatest country ever conceived. Yet there he was smirking and mugging for reporters thinking that this was enough to lead.
Regardless, he’s history and not good history either. Fortunately, no one named Bush will likely be a serious contender for this office again. Thank goodness. We now have a new history and it is being written every minute of every day from now on. However, don’t be surprised that it is repeated. Or should I say: was repeated.
Back to the feeling of watching the first African-American president address this nation. Hang on. Let’s say that again: THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Say all the ways that were politically correct for 200 years. Colored President, Negro President, Black president. Any way you slice it, it is historic and it is liberating.
I say that as a liberal. I qualify my statements and opinion with the fact that my politics make President-Elect Obama appear as a right-wing zealot. Nevertheless, I have to admit that no matter what, I always viewed people through those racially charged eyes. There is no way that any white American can honestly say that any one of them ever saw an African-American without thinking that they were superior to whoever they were viewing. Without question, every person who looked at a person of color viewed them as inferior. Even if you believe yourself as a liberal, enlightened human being you always felt yourself superior because you deigned to believe yourself superior to all others for thinking them as “equal” but not really equal.
I am ashamed for all those times that I thought any remotely racist thoughts. I am not a racist, but I acknowledge that I have had racist thoughts, regardless of how fleeting and regardless of how well-intentioned. I am now able to see how wrong and pathetic I was. Particularly when I looked at Obama the early candidate and said, “This country won’t elect this man.” I believed, “Regardless of the circumstances, the electorate won’t vote for him due to their lack of sensitivity.” The only thing holding back this great and patient man was my reluctance. If we, all good-intentioned, highly educated, morally superior liberals had taken a moment to really view him as the equal that the Declaration of Independence had proclaimed him to be, he would have won 49 states. He wouldn’t have won Alaska, but those people voted for Palin to begin with and are in the process of electing a convicted felon to the Senate.
Everyone is talking of being proud of being an American. I am relieved. Relieved that enough Americans realized that there are more important things in this world than carrying out misplaced prejudices. Relieved that another idiot is not allowed to sit in the most venerable building in the country (I do not for a moment mean Senator McCain). Relieved that we are starting to view ourselves as one country instead of two parties (with a few notable and back-water exceptions).
We have before us an unbridled future. We are not aware of the greatness that awaits us if only we allow this thoughtful human being to lead us where we need to go. Everyone has different agendum and different needs. Economists need their programs, environmentalists need their programs, labor unions need their programs, and sociologists need theirs. We are going to attempt as hard as we can to pull this man apart. He must, according to us, begin governing before he sets foot in Washington. Leave him be and follow his lead.
Our job now is to follow his lead and be willing soldiers in his war against oppression, detractors, and hate-mongerers. We must daily protect his flank because he is too busy fighting for our well-being to protect himself. Let him do his job and we can do ours. When the name-calling begins, like it already has, we have to stand up and say, “Stop.” When the bigots (although they maintain their altruism saying that they are only looking at his qualifications) dissect his every move like it was the last vital piece of the puzzle leading us to ruin, we must say, “Stop.” When the so-called pundits point and say, “Well, what did you expect from him, he is unqualified,” we must say, “Stop.”
We are fortunate to have him and this country will be a better place because of him. This is not whistling past the graveyard or wishful thinking but a real sense of impending greatness. No president has walked into this office with such high expectations and such incredible odds against him since FDR. However, FDR was a white American and he had a very forgiving press. This man is a Flying Wallenda without a net and with a gale force cross wind. The first misstep and he is fodder for the beast. An entire world is watching and waiting for the mistake. He has to tread carefully and cautiously take action.
Fear not, America. He will. He will lead us like we’ve never been led before. He will inspire each and every one of us to great heights. He will comfort us when we are inconsolable. His voice will be enough to change our fear into hope and our dreams into a reality. He will do this because we will be inspired to help him get us there. After so many years of ineptitude, we have a true leader. We have a real president. One that isn’t embarrassing or a puppet for corporate America.
For those countries out there who think that they can overcome this man, I say this: bring it on. Think you can intimidate President Obama, bring it on. Think you can bully President Obama, bring it on. Think you can fool President Obama, bring it on. He is ready and can handle anything you terrorist, oligarchs, and tyrants can throw at him. Simply because he is pure of heart and clear of mind. Moreover, he has resources never available to a president before. He has inspired followers who are no zealots. We are wide-eyed and committed. Not blinded by hate or fear.
For those americans (lower case intentionally provided) who attack from within, know this: you cannot distract us from our goal. That goal is the one you pay lip service to, but never truly sought. That goal is for a strong, free, and equal America. An America that was truly foreseen by the forefathers. The America that truly believes in all Americans as resources and not as sources of exploitation for their own wealth. The America where all persons are created equal and not just men or seven tenths of any one person. We are strong, resilient, and resolved. You are weak, cowardly, and dispassionate. Your only goal is to tear down, we seek only to build up American strength and prosperity.
I truly hope all people in America view this man with love and devotion. I believe that we as a people can accomplish anything if we follow his lead and be true to our beliefs. But I give you this warning: do not follow him blindly. If he makes a mistake, correct him. I he missteps, right him. If he falters, support him. But do not unquestioningly accept anything he says or does. We have had too much of that and we can stand no more. No more leading by fear-mongering. No more governance by degrading our enemies. No more hatred disguised as “christian” ideals. We are, as of November 4, 2008, better than that. We have demonstrated our far-sightedness and our belief in the greatness of the eternal soul.
It has been said that “soul” is defined as the ability to deal with adversity and overcome it without rancor or hate. We are now a country with soul. We are now a people with soul. We are now individuals with soul. We can overcome anything without invoking hate, fear, or degradation. And we will. Because we now have what we have always deserved. What America was built upon. What our philosophy of government has always demanded. A great leader. You can list them on one hand: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, and now Obama. In that tradition, we must revel. We are blessed to be provided the right leader at the right (wrong?) time. Take advantage of that, not of him.
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